About Me

Hello! I am Daphnie Pugh a student at the University of South Alabama majoring in elementary education.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Blog 9

    After reading the first required section Seven Essentials for Project Based Learning  I learned the differences between busy work and the effective way to do a project based learning activity. In the article John Larner and John R. Mergendoller, states, “A classroom filled with student posters may suggest that students have engaged in meaningful learning. But it is the process of students' learning and the depth of their cognitive engagement rather than the resulting product that distinguishes projects from busywork.” For teacher to have an effective and meaningful project  first students must perceive the work as personally meaningful, as a task that matters and that they want to do well. Second, a meaningful project fulfills an educational purpose. Well-designed and well-implemented project-based learning is meaningful in both ways. Along with making the project meaningful there are seven steps to project based learning.  The seven steps are: Need to know, Driving Question, Student Voice and Choice, Skills, Inquiry and Innovation, Feedback and Revision, and Present. During the seven process the students will learned the important things in project in the process of completion.
        In the second video Project Based Learning for Teachers Tony Vincent explains project based learning as having students working over an extended period of time answering a driving question. The questions are deep and requires students to complete and end product to share their learning. In this video Tony states the students will learn collaboration skills, communication skills, critical thinking skills, and career and life skills. Students take charge of their learning.  After watching both videos I learned that it’s important for the students to have a voice and choice in their learning during project based learning.  

Three additional videos

After the video these are some of the reasons the students discuss in the video.
  •      Give praise on completion
  •        Recognition
  •        Career plans
  •        Parents
  •        To stay out of trouble

In the video the students explained ways teachers gave rewards for good behavior.
·       Money buckets
·       Brownie points
·       Food
·       School supplies
·       A different theme each day throughout the week

Allowing students to network while immersed in project based learning is so important. This could include communication and collaboration student to student, student to teacher, and student to expert. To list a few Wall Wisher, Miscroft Live, and Google Docs.

The project can be geared toward any standard and any audience. Its focus can be narrow or broad, and it can last anywhere from several days to several months. The payoff is engagement. Students will see the relevance for their learning in PE through the authentic task of a project based learning project. You must give up power in order to empower your students; empower them in their physical education.

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